Common hemp has enormous economic potential. In terms of organic matter production per unit of acreage, hemp occupies one of the leading positions along with sugar beets and potatoes. The plant is a valuable raw material for producing a variety of environmentally friendly and safe products. For many years, common hemp was mainly used in Russia for making high-strength fibre and hemp oil.
Common hemp seeds are excellent human and animal nutritional products obtained through careful cleaning and grading after harvesting.
Hemp cake is a high-calorie pressed product of hemp seeds processing.
Exceptional in its nutritional properties, this hemp derivative is of great importance to the food industry due to its increased caloric value as compared to other, more popular crops.
Hemp fibre is the raw material for hemp cloth and other textile materials found in the bast layer of the plant at a percentage of about 35–40 %. Fibre has a wide range of applications in the textile, paper, construction, aviation, fuel and many other industries. It is much more durable and stronger than artificial and other natural counterparts such as cotton, linen and jute.
Cellulose is a constituent of plant cells. Cellulose is the main constituent of hemp bast fibres, with a content of about 65–70 %. Pulp is used worldwide for the production of paper and packaging materials. It is also used in the textile, chemical, perfume and cosmetic industries.
In addition to food and industrial uses, hemp products serve as indispensable ingredients in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.